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Meet Ahsan

Selenium Training

Meet Ahsan Selenium Certification Training will help you in mastering the various concepts of Selenium from scratch. This Selenium Training will help you master important concepts such as TestNG, Apache Log4j, Maven, Data Driven, Jenkins, Advance Reporting and much more. This Selenium Certification Training is also a gateway towards your Automation testing career.

Contact # 0312 4128913

[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”What are the objectives of our Selenium Certification Training?”]

After completing this course, you will be able to:
  • Learn about Selenium and its evolution
  • Understand Regression testing and Functional testing
  • Set-up JAVA, Eclipse, and Selenium Environment and configure them
  • List the components of Selenium such as Selenium IDE, Selenium WebDriver, and Selenium Grid
  • Create Test Cases in Selenium WebDriver
  • Discuss about Waits (Page Synchronization) and various other Selenium WebDriver functions
  • Handle different controls on a Webpage
  • Implement TestNG
  • Describe Page Object Modelling
  • Learn Parametrization and different frameworks


[eliteaccordion][elitetoggle title=”What are the pre-requisites for this Selenium Training?”]

The below are the suggested pre-requisites for taking up our Selenium Certification Training:
  • Basic understanding of manual QA Process
  • Any programming language experience is desired (JAVA will be preferred)
  • Any development integrated environment (IDE) (Eclipse latest version preferred)


Admission Form