Audit your website security with Acunetix
Any defense at network security level will provide no protection against web application attacks since they are launched on port 80 – which has to remain open. In addition, web applications are often tailor-made therefore tested less than off-the-shelf software and are more likely to have undiscovered vulnerabilities.
What you can’t crawl you can’t scan. Acunetix can crawl complex web application architectures including JavaScript-heavy HTML5 Single Page Applications while being able to scan restricted areas automatically and with ease
With vulnerability detection, it’s accuracy that counts. Acunetix detects over 3000 types of web app vulnerabilities alerting according to severity, but its ability to scan accurately, guaranteeing low false positives, is what places it above the rest
Aggregate and review vulnerability data across your organization, prioritize security risks and provide a clear view of your security posture, ensuring conformance with several regulatory and compliance standards
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